
Free Posture Check

This course is taught by a passionate team of NLSSM teachers who are highly qualified in their fields of expertise and have successful careers in sports massage and remedial soft tissue therapy. We will send patients away when an insole is not appropriate, if a patient is suffering with iliotibial band syndrome for example, the problem can be helped with physiotherapy and a stretching programme. That’s what our biomechanical assessment is all about; determining whether there would be any benefit from altering the alignment of your feet. Back pain is very common, and, according to the National Pain Audit, the costs of back pain alone account for 20% of the UK’s total health expenditure. It is difficult to diagnose the exact cause of an individual’s back pain. However, a contributing factor is poor posture because it means the body is less resistant to the strains we put on our body during our lifetime. These are indeed wonderful, but if you are simply returning to the same set-up th